Thursday, July 16, 2020

Delete That!

I changed my mind. Here's I wanted you to know.

Words Really CAN Hurt You!

Jessie, the cowboy, gallops down the hill on his horse while his girlfriend, Dixie, runs after him begging him not to go. “Jessie, Jessie, don’t go!” she sobs almost hysterically.

Jessie stops just short of the exit gate, turns to Dixie and states firmly, “I’m a loner and a loner’s gotta be alone.”

Jessie turns his back on Dixie, smacks his horse on the rear, and heads through the gate into the open field headed toward the wild blue yonder.

Straight ahead, the closing credits . . .”THE END” . . . pop up on the screen . . . just as Jessie reaches that point.

Jessie rides smack-dab into the writing on the screen, he slams into the “E” and is knocked off his horse. Whaaack-Bammmmm!

See, I told you . . . 

Words really CAN hurt you!

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  1. I've seen this video. I'll be back ..... ..... ..... OK, it's a Geico commercial. Here's the clip from the commercial...

  2. Actually he was knocked off by a letter - the E letter.
    But yes, words can hurt, and no man likes to be alone, even a cowboy.

  3. LOL yeah, words can hurt for sure :) Have a wonderful weekend my friend. Stay safe and blessed!

  4. I remember that video! Haven't seen it in awhile. Hope all it well with you and yours - have a great weekend!

  5. Yes, words can hurt! They can heal, they can help you, they can do so much...
    Stay safe and be happy!


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