Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th


Whether you believe in superstitions or not they are here to stay. Many of them have been around since the beginning of time. Superstition is an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear, so there are a lot of scary ignorant people running around these days. As human beings, we tend to make up things when we can’t understand or explain something.

Here are a few common superstitions I remember from childhood:

-Find a 4-leaf clover and you will have GOOD LUCK.

-If you drop a comb while you are combing your hair is a sign of BAD LUCK.

-Never throw hair from your comb or brush outside. Birds will get your hair,     build a nest with it, and you will go crazy.

-If you dream of fish or fishing, someone you know is pregnant.

-If you break a mirror it means you will have 7 years of bad luck.

So, We Make Up Things When We Can’t Explain Something.

And, here is a really good one for you!

-If the first visitor to your house on New Year’s morning is a woman, you will have BAD LUCK all year long. If it is a man, your will have GOOD LUCK all year long.

My Mama and Grandmother practiced this one religiously. My grandmother would send PaPa to our house at the crack of dawn, and Mama would send my daddy to my grandmother’s. This way they were assured that a MAN was the first visitor to the house on New Year’s Day…for good luck.

How rational is that? Are you superstitious or not? Do you know anyone who is superstitious? Do you have a superstition to share? We would love to hear about it. 

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  1. You do know that hanging a horseshoe like that is bad luck, right? When it's hung like that all the luck runs out. Turn it the other way to hold the luck in.

    And yes I think Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me. Now Saturday the 14th? That's a different story.

  2. I am not at all superstitious, and it has surprised me to learn that some people are. My wife's grandparents had a similar New Years superstition to your grandparents.

  3. Fun post. I know and love quite a few superstitious people. My aunt believes that you should never allow a red head to visit your home on a Monday. Fun post.

  4. That is a good one from your mom and grandma. I heard that dreaming of a wedding means someone is going to die, horrible huh? I am very superstitious.

  5. Great post - I try not to be superstitious but I really don't like going anywhere on Friday the 13th even to this day! When I was a kid we used to walk to school and avoid the cracks or it would break your Mother's back. Being Irish as well, when I go some place whatever door I enter, I try and go out another door to avoid bad luck! Oh well.......

  6. Some of your superstitions were new to me. Most of the time I can get through an entire Friday the 13th before I realize what day it is.

  7. Let's say I'm semi-superstitious.
    I do know about the 4-leaf clover, the black cat, and the mirror breaking. I'm trying to avoid the last two.

  8. The 4-leaf clover and the broken mirror ones are the same over here; the others I've never heard of. I'm not really superstitious - well, not in my own opinion, anyway! ;)

  9. I try not to be superstitious …

    All the best Jan


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