Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Here We Go Again . . .

What am I here after?

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Fleeting Moments

You're combing your hair, washing your hands, or the dishes, some clothes, etc. when a thought crosses your mind. There's something else - important - you remember you need to do.

However, you have a few more strokes of the comb to go, a bit more silverware in the bottom of the sink, or a shirt or two more to remove from the dryer.

You’re thinking, I'll just finish this then I'll "
do that other important thing."

Your hair is done, or the trash has been taken where it belongs.

Now, I'll go . . . ?!?

…Go What? 

What was it I was going to do? What am I here after?

That fleeting thought from mere moments ago, it's gone.


Go figure.

Have you ever had fleeting moments? When was the last time you had one? What was it about, do you remember? Or not? 

Forget it! Good Night!


  1. I don't remember whatever it was you were talking about trying to remember.

  2. Happens all of the time. I often ask Alexa to remind me of something if I am near enough to her. But then I don't always remember to do even that. lol

  3. My fleeting moments are coming more and more! LOL! But that's OK - they'll fleet back again! Hope you and yours are doing OK!

  4. I have fleeting moments far more often than I care to admit! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  5. I have those fleeting moments, they come and go... Before I was a little bit stressed about them but not anymore.
    Stay safe and healthy! A warm hug to you and your wonderful grandson!

  6. My grandfather once threw his keys into the front yard to see if he could find them with his metal detector. Then he forgot about them. Someone cutting his grass found them later. Guess that was a fleeting moment for him.

    I'm worried now too that I won't like this new Blogger. I don't do change well. I'm looking to you for guidance. If you give up, that doesn't bode well for me.

  7. I hope you’re away from the coast, Leona. I’m thinking about you.

  8. You totally hit the nail on the head because this happens to me a lot lately, but I just roll with it(lol) Hope you have a fabulous weekend! RO

  9. I hope you and your family are safe! Thinking of you!


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