Thursday, May 14, 2020

Caught in the Act

Opening Peppermint Candy in the Theater

Tennessee Performing Arts Center - Nashville

The actors move flawlessly from one scene to another, the stage props are well designed and the lighting accentuates every move. The theater seats feel nice and snug as I sit watching the performance onstage.

We, the audience sit in total darkness, watching as the plot unfolds onstage. The tickle in the back of my throat borders on annoying, and I stifle the threatening cough.  

As the next scene unfolds, the cough emerges with a vengeance.  I cover my mouth, and hope no one minds. I unzip my purse, grab a peppermint, and proceed to open it … quietly. : Colombina Starlights Mint Hard Candy (Peppermint W ...
I slo-o-o-owly unwrap the ends of the cellophane paper. I quietly and deliberately try to remove the cellophane paper from the piece of peppermint candy. I got the ends undone, but somehow the middle of the paper stuck to the candy and I had to wiggle and jiggled a bit to get it unstuck. 

I jiggled and wiggled the cellophane paper as quietly as I could. I noticed my daughter, Jordyn, giving me "THE EYE"...looking in my direction longer than I thought necessary. 

Finally, I have the candy almost out of the paper when my daughter whispers in her totally “no-nonsense-get-your-self-together” voice…

“Open that peppermint already!”

Okay, I’m busted!

Sooo, have you ever tried to open a peppermint candy “slowly” in a quiet setting? Has someone else tried to open a peppermint in a quiet setting and the process annoyed you? What did you do/say?


  1. These days, a cough attracts very angry eyes.
    I have no experience with candies wrapped in cellophane.

  2. Your story made me laugh!! When I was little my Mom would take my brother and I to church. Of course, she had to sit in one of the front pews. Half way through the sermon we would start to stir and wiggle and she would take some candy out of her bag which was wrapped in cellophane and of course it would make noise and the people in the pews around us would start to stare and she always whispered back to their stares - KIDS!!


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