Saturday, May 16, 2020

About Me

 I’m An Odd-Ball!

At least, I Think I’m An Odd-Ball

I am not a telephone person. I don't like talking on the phone a lot. I never have been much of a phone person. I was never a big talker anyway, and even got labeled the quiet shy one. As a teenager growing up, I probably was considered an “odd ball”. But, nobody ever said it to my face, just behind my back.   

I especially don’t like talking to people (especially on the phone) who go on and on and on talking a mile a minute about nothing, like a broken record. They just keep on talking, talking, talking, about themselves, their problems, their lives and so forth and so on. Drives me crazy! I feel totally drained after talking to them. This is just my personal point of view. 

On the other hand though, there are a handful of people that I love talking to. They never complain about their lives or other junk. They don’t engage in idle gossip. They are good listeners, and they have positive things to say all the time. Even when they talk about unpleasant things, they are not energy suckers. I always feel happy, refreshed, and energized after talking to them.

There you have it, my rant about why I don’t like talking on the telephone. So, how do you feel about talking on the phone? Do you like talking on the phone or not? What are your thoughts about talking on the phone?

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  1. blessings......
    Well you probably won't like talking to me because I am a talker. I don't gossip and I don't allow others to gossip with me, I am straight forward, if i have something to say I say it. My only-pet peeves are incessant complainers that never have anything good to say even when things are good for them.

    I wish you peace of mind and spirit.
    Stay blessed.

  2. I like the phone better than texting. Texting takes way too long. I can call someone, say what I have to say, get an opinion, or whatever, and hang up. It's a lot faster than doing a back and forth text.

  3. I don’t like the telephone either.

  4. I don't like it either, though that's partly because my hearing isn't very good. E-mail is much easier to deal with.

    Bu I know what you mean about people who can talk and talk and talk and never say anything.

  5. I love talking on the phone with my daughter. I can listen to her for hours because she has so many interesting ideas, stories and thoughts.
    I can understand how you feel about people who talk, talk and talk. Those people can make you so tired and certainly ruin your day and mood.

  6. I get very few phone calls anymore, but I do have extended conversations with Middle Son via video chat.

  7. I do not like talking on the phone. I dislike even making a 5 minute call to make an appointment.


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