Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Blast from the Past

Day Is Done

Houston Sunset May 25, 2019

Sunday is over and the day is done, 
now it's time for me to follow the sun.
I'll crawl in my bed and tuck myself in,
it'll be tomorrow when I see you again.
Good night, good sleep my friends one and all,
yon morrow half past noon I will give you a call.

Not a word nor a thought do I have for this place,
not a phrase worth the effort to blog on my space.
I will leave you with this, it's the one thing I know,
I have the best blog friends and this is for 'sho.
Good night, good sleep to my friends every one,
I will follow the sun now that my day is done.

(C) 2008 by ~dellgirl~


  1. So beautiful, and we consider you one of the bet blog buds around! Sending some air hugs, RO

  2. Hope you had a good night blog friend!

  3. With that kind of positive attitude I know you had a great night!

  4. I hope you did have a good night's sleep! I so enjoy reading your blog. It's one of the things that I look forward to! Stay safe and have a good rest of the week!

  5. I truly love that! We are kindred spirits!


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!