Sunday, May 24, 2020

8 Quick Ways to Relieve Stress

Is It Possible to Relieve Stress? 

Yes! Before we go on, if your level of stress is serious, consult your physician. But, if you think you can take charge of your stress, here are a few things that can help.

1. Learn to have a sense of humor. Google “Funny Jokes” images

2. Take a walk in the fresh air (in your back yard or down the driveway works).

 3. Try dance, creative movement, or exercise for 15 minutes.

4. Eat Chocolate in moderation or open a candy bar and just smell it.

5. Relaxation and deep breathing exercises provide immediate relief.

6. Take a seven minute mini-vacation in your mind. Re-visit photos of fun family vacations...remember the good times!

7. Talk to friends, family, or a pastor/priest about your feelings.  

8. Aroma therapy works wonders.

Find your inner peace - - learn how to relieve your stress by finding what works best for you.

Let us know your favorite ways to de-stress in the comments section.


  1. M & M's are anti-stress pills.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. However, if I were to just smell a candy bar and not put it in my mouth it would be a BIG stresser :-)

  3. All great tips …
    I find a walk in the fresh air can be so therapeutic.

    All the best Jan

  4. Great tips! I always tell my kids they usually create their own stress. If I really get upset I usually facetime one of my Granddaughters and we have a good laugh or my husband and I go out for a ride. My favorite place is the beach but since we moved it's not to easy to get to but I love just sitting and looking at the water. Hope all it well. Take care.


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