Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Needs vs Wants

There are quite a few household and personal things I need to do. But first, I need to get some rest. I want to REST! I want to SLEEP! I want some sleep and some rest!

If I had the opportunity, I could sleep for two days straight only getting up to eat or go to the lady’s room. Seriously!

I need to go grocery shopping soon or the family will think I lost my whole entire mind. I could put away some clutter that’s accumulated. Siiigghh ):

I certainly need to get better acquainted with Sir Hoover, the vacuum cleaner and Lady Pledge, the dust-buster queen. I need to do all this but, will I?

I should probably do a couple of them, maybe all of them. Then again I don’t feel like doing any of them. Truth be told, I don’t WANT to do anything. So I won’t!!!

The more I think about it, the more I think it would be nice to just lollygag and play around on my computer and my tablet. Okay, that settles it. I’m going to diddle the time away until bedtime.

Maybe I can rest when I go to bed tonight.  I don’t know if any of this made sense, but I got it out. That’s my rant for the day!

Just My 2-cents worth,,,

Okay, enough already. Now, go sit down somewhere and be quiet dellgirl.  


  1. simple, but make me understand the different...
    Thank you for sharing

    # Have a wonderful sleep with a beautiful dream

  2. A 7-hour sleep is a Must.
    De-cluttering is quite an issue for me too, but one that I have to do it - gradually but steadily.

  3. I've thought about your post. Now I'm going to sleep on it.

  4. I haven't done much in the way of cleaning either. I figure we have until Christmas when company comes.

  5. I understand your post completely. Sometimes it is better if you look the other way - Old Man Dusty has a way of creeping up on us. And of course Christmas - which should be a peaceful and wonderful time can be stressful! Hope you can get some sleep and don't worry about the small things! Merry Christmas!!

  6. sometimes just owning our feelings helps. i have avoided cleaning house forever but the other morning i just did some cleaning and it was exhausting but exhilarating to see the difference...

  7. Most important is for you to relax and sleep and take care of yourself first. Nothing else matters more than that. Once you're well rested, focus on all the other stuff. Sending some soothing hugs your way. RO


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