Monday, December 30, 2019

Little Known Facts

This and That and Other Pointless Stuff

Image result for google logo cartoons"
Here are a few interesting and/or little known facts about a bit of this and that. You might already know some of this. On the other hand, you might not know some of it.

Did you know?

-      Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on back links. 

-      Monopoly has been around as a family favorite game since 1935.

-      You are approximately ½ inch taller in the morning than in the evening.

-      Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day, February 12, 1809.

-      Maya Angelou was the first black poet to present at a presidential inauguration.

Image result for secret service badge"

OH! Did you know The Secret Service assigns code names to every member of the first family? Do you know President Obama’s code name?  Take the Poll below to test your knowledge. You can answer in the comments section.

Rules: No fair cheating! Choose your answer first. Write that answer in the comments section. THEN and ONLY THEN, you can Google for the correct answer.


President Obama’s code name is:
1.   Eagle    
2.   Trailblazer    
3.   Renegade     
4.   Timberwolf    
5.   I don’t know.  
6.   I don’t really care.      

There you have it, my time-wasting rant for the day.

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  1. So if I stay in bed for 30 days I'll be 7 feet 3 inches tall, right?

  2. Never heard of Backrub; the same applies to the other known facts, and security codes mentioned in your post.
    So, thanks for enlightening me on that.
    May the upcoming New Year be one of health, success and prosperity for you!

  3. Hi Dellgirl interesting post,wishing you a happy and safe New Year my friend xx

  4. I did know that about being taller in the morning. I also remember a doctor coming to my class and telling my first graders that they grow while they are sleeping. I’ll guess Eagle for Obama. I miss him. I really miss him. Thank you for stopping by and checking on me Leona. I’ve just been up to my ears with so much because we’ve been in Maryland and Illinois for over half this month. Happy New Year!!!

  5. What? Obama chose his name? I can see why he picked it.f

  6. I didn't know about backrub. Monopoly was and is my favorite game. Have a very Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours in 2020!

  7. OK, I went with the obvious and picked Eagle. We got back not long ago from seeing our new grandson. Charlie was just a week old. I'm sure you can understand my wife's joy when she got to hold him. So precious they are.


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