Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday Night Humor

I love a good laugh at the end of the day. 

I thought I'd share the laughter. 


Image result for happy face images

Dad: What did you learn in school today, son?
Son: Not enough, dad. I have to go back tomorrow.

Question: What's better than a talking dinosaur? 
Answer: A spelling bee!

Question: Why didn't the sun go to college?
Answer: Because it already had a million degrees!

Question: Why did the cyclops stop teaching?
Answer: Because he only had one pupil!

Math teacher: A man from Los Angeles drove toward New York at 250 miles per hour and a man from New York drove toward Los Angeles at 150 m.p.h. Where did they meet?

Johnny: In jail!

Question: What do you call a bee that’s having a bad hair day?

Answer: Frisbee. 

"Hearing Better Now"

An elderly man was having hearing problems and went to see a specialist. The doctor fitted him with some hearing aids that brought his hearing back to full strength.

After a few weeks the man came back to make sure the new equipment was working properly, which it was.
Image result for  mans with hearing aids

The hearing specialist said, “It all seems perfect. Your family should be delighted you can hear everything now.”

“Oh no,” the man responded. “I haven’t told any of them. I just sit quietly, listening carefully. I’ve changed my will four times.”

Grandson Jace is laughing. I'm laughing too. 
What about you? Did you get a laugh or two?


  1. Lol yes Dellgirl i am laughing too the last one was a ripper,what a beautiful pic of Jace ,such a happy boy xx

    1. Thank you, Sheryl. I appreciate that you took the time to come by tonight. And, I really appreciate the lovely comment and the compliment. That means so much to me.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Lin. I really appreciate your comment.

      Wishing you a wonderful week!

  3. That's good humor, all of it. Thanks for the laugh.
    The header with your grandson in it is lovely!

    1. You're welcome, DUTA. Thank YOU for coming by. Your kind words warmed my heart. Thank you for the lovely comment.

      Have a great weekend!

  4. Replies
    1. I agree Christine, that last one cracked me up! Thank you for taking time to read here and especially for the great comment.

      Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  5. Nothing like a good laugh Leona! :) Hope you're doing well. Thanks for stopping by. I was away in Melbourne for the past few weeks and just got back a few days ago. Hope you're enjoying your summer. Have a blessed rest of the week!

    1. Hey there AJ. It's so good to see your smiling face. That always makes my day! Thanks for indulging me by reading here. Thank you for taking time to comment on it.

      I hope you enjoyed your time in Melbourne.

      I wish you a super-terrific weekend dear friend!

  6. Funny stuff to get my day started!(lol) Thanks a bunch and many hugs! RO

    1. Hi there RO. It’s so good to see you. Thank you for coming by to read and look around. I really appreciate that you made it a point to leave such a nice comment. You should see me smiling about that.

      Wishing you all the best!

  7. thank you for sharing good humors....make me smile....

    1. You're welcome, Tanza. THANK YOU for stopping by here. I really appreciate your taking time to comment.

      I hope you have a Great Weekend!

  8. I'm laughing too, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you for the nice comment, Jan. I like what you said. I wish you a great weekend!


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Have a wonderful wonderful day!