Saturday, June 29, 2019

Up The Creek Without A Paddle

Up The “CREEK” Without a Paddle is An Old Saying. I know you have heard the old saying, “Up the creek without a paddle”.

Yes, I see you smiling over there, you’ve heard it. I have actually cleaned the title up a bit so that it is not considered profane or inappropriate.

The actual title is “Up BLANK Creek Without a Paddle”. The word in the blank begins with an “s” and, it ends with a “t”. It has two letters in the middle, “h” and “i”.

Why am I talking about being up blank creek without a paddle? I am talking about it to keep from going absolutely head-banging crazy. Mama is on one of her “out-of-her-mind” journeys. I’m dealing with it as calmly as humanly possible, without getting dramatic myself.

Related image

If it would do any good, I would scream! But, it won’t. So, I won’t. Thank God it’s almost her bedtime.

Until then…

I am “UP BLANK CREEK”!!!     


  1. Oh yes! I've heard that expression alright and we've used it. I haven't heard it with the blank word though. LOL.

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Dellgirl,lol I love this post ,yes such a popular saying I say it myself quite often xx

    1. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate what you said. I wish you a great week!

  3. This is a popular saying.
    Stay cool and keep smiling :)

    All the best Jan

    1. I really appreciate the nice comment. Please come again soon. Have a great week!

  4. oh...that pretty girl in the mud?.....

    we have a similar expression back to my home country.... the meaning almost the same.....

    1. Thank you for commenting. I like the way you said that. Have a wonderful week!


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