Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sunday Afternoon

Today Was an Awesome Sunday Afternoon

Today the weather was gorgeous, sun shining off and on, beautiful white fluffy clouds fill the sky, gentle breezes whispering through tree branches, birds seem to be taking a vacation today, but the usual neighborhood cats roam freely around the back yard … again… searching for goodies.  It all reminds me how much I love quiet Sunday afternoons.

Sunday afternoons are perfect for doing as much nothing as you can possibly get away with. Since I couldn’t very well “do nothing” ALL day, I decided to cook enough to eat healthy today and maybe have a bite left for tomorrow.

My first thought was to throw some meat in the oven and open a couple of cans of “something” to go along with it. I ended up throwing some chicken breasts in the oven, then wondering which cans of WHAT to crack open to go with the chicken.

Got that done and put my timer on to check on the chicken breasts. I don’t have anything sweet … ummm?... Guess that’s ok…I have some cookies and other sweet stuff stashed away.

Cooking is done and I’ll have leftovers for tomorrow. That’s good, I hate cooking. Dinner is done so I’m through. Now to relax and get ready for the new week ahead.

So, How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun and interesting? Care to share? Let us hear about it in the comments section.

DISCLAIMER: Guess I've been away much too long, can't get the formatting right. I'm too discombobulated to mess around with it anymore!!! SO, "scuse me" PLEASE!
Photo credit: ~dellgirl's photos~


  1. I hate to cook also. That's why the freezer is full of microwave food. If it takes more than 5 minutes I don't like messing with it.

    1. I am so thankful for your nice words. Thank you for stopping by and for commenting here today. I won't go into hating to cook, that's a whole 'nother story.

  2. In my world I cook every other day. There are two of us, and most recipes make four servings.

    1. Thank you so much for your visit and for leaving this nice comment. My hat's off to ya' on cooking so often. Wishing you a nice week, my friend!

  3. We just had left overs like Kathy. We cook bulgogi from Costco with onions. Mom loves it and we can eat it for 2 days... maybe three? Those cupcakes look amazing!

    1. It’s so nice that you could take time out of your busy day to visit and read here today. Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the smile-making comment. I appreciate this a lot.

  4. I like chicken meat in general,and chicken breast in particular. However, during the last years, I've kind of stopped buying and cooking meat at home. I eat mostly salads and fish which require preparation of once in 2-3 days. If I fancy meat, I'll buy something when I'm outdoors.

    1. Your visit and your nice comment made me smile! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by to read my post.

  5. Replies
    1. It was good of your hubby to rake leaves. I think I have discouraged my "guys" from raking by constantly talking about how the leaves are constantly falling ... even while they are raking.

      Thank you. I appreciate your visit and this nice comment.

  6. Hi thanks for commenting! I don't blog as much as I used to not much happening people would care about. I am pretty home bound due to illnesses so my world is riding the bus to the store 2x A week. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season ahead. God bless!

    1. You're welcome on the comment. I figured it was about time I looked you up and said hello. I wish you all the best with your health issues, I'm sending up prayers for "healing Blessings" for you.

      Thank you for coming by and for commenting here.

  7. I am not a good cook but sometimes I got inspired and try to create something delicious :) You cookies are wonderful!

    1. It’s so nice that you stopped by to check-in and say hi. I especially appreciate this warmhearted comment. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

  8. Loved your post! We had a quiet weekend - thank goodness! We are planning on going out for dinner tomorrow on our Anniversary - 58 years! OMG! Times does fly bye! Thanks for your comments. Haven't done as much crafting or cooking as my hand is still healing. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Happy Anniversary (belatedly)! I hope it was a great day and a wonderful dinner for you both!

      Thank you for coming by here and for reading my post. I appreciate your visit and your comment.

  9. That is a lovely looking sky in your first photograph.
    The weekend whizzed by, Saturday was wet and rainy but Sunday was sunny and I enjoyed a pleasant afternoon walk.

    The new week has started sunny too :)
    I wish you a good one.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you for taking the time to come by and read today. Your visit and your comment are so encouraging. I appreciate this a lot.

  10. yes, temperature quite convenient in our areas,,,,.
    your cookies look tasty... yummy...

    1. It’s so good of you to take the time to read here and to leave this nice comment.

  11. Just stopping bye to say hello and hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. It’s so nice that you stopped by to check-in and say hi. I especially appreciate this warmhearted comment. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

      I wish you a wonderful weekend too!


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!