Sunday, October 29, 2023

Thank You!

 Hi & Hello My Dear Valued Blog Visitors,

This is how YOU make me feel . . . 

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you. It was such a surprising delight that you took the time to visit my blog and to leave such uplifting comments. Your presence and support mean the world to me.

After my year long hiatus from blogging, your warm welcome back has been incredibly heartwarming and smile-making. Your encouraging comments and your positive feedback have truly inspired me to continue sharing my thoughts, ideas, and experiences with you ,,, "my 2 cents worth" ... in other words. 😀

It's your kind words and unwavering support that make the effort I put into my blog even more rewarding. Your comments have filled me with renewed enthusiasm and motivation to keep producing content that resonates with you.

With a big smile/grin in my heart and on my face, I look forward to our continued interactions. I'm excited to explore more topics and create content that you will find worth your time to read.

Once again, thank you for being a part of my blogging journey. Your presence is the driving force behind my renewed passion for sharing and connecting.

With sincere appreciation,



  1. I'm so glad you're back, Leona. I hope everything has settled down from your move.

    1. Thank you for taking time to come by and for leaving this smile-making comment. I appreciate it a lot.

  2. You've been missed! Glad you'll be sticking around.

    1. I am very grateful for your kind words. Thank you for stopping by to read and for leaving this nice comment.

  3. Looking forward to seeing and reading more posts from you.
    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you for taking the time to come by and read my post. I appreciate your visit and your delightful comment.

  4. I missed you, I missed your posts. And I am very glad that you are back!

    1. It’s so motivating to hear your kind words. This is wonderful. Thank you for visiting and for commenting today.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your visit and for leaving this nice comment.

  6. We're glad you're back. That grandson is STUNNING! Linda in Kansas

    1. It's so good to see you, DrumMajor! It’s so nice that you could take time out of your busy day to visit and read here today. Thank you for your visit and especially for the heartwarming comment.


  7. Your header with little grandson is very attractive!
    Looking forward to see more posts from you, now that you've settled down in your new place.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to come by and read today. Your visit and your comment are very encouraging. I appreciate this a lot. I Love, love, love the compliment about Grandson!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, AC! If I sound happy and enthused, it's because you (all) are so very thoughtful and encouraging. Thank you for coming by today and for leaving this great comment.

  9. It is so great to hear from you again. I'm glad you are encouraged to post again. It works both ways. You always encourage others which we so appreciate. Love the pixs of your Grandson!

    1. Thank you for your smile making visit! It’s a real delight that you made the time to come by to read here and to leave this lovely comment. Again, I thank you for your warm words. You touched my heart AND made my day!

  10. Nice post, looking forward to more.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for commenting here.

  11. It is good to see you back with another! I hope you will continue! XX

  12. I have to wonder if this is you. I don't think so. All strange unknown names but 1. The tone and story are not like you I think someone has hijacked your blog.

    1. Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy, Carol…you caught me in the act. You caught me playing around with AI. I put my ideas of what I wanted to say in the prompt and AI generated the messages for me.

      But now that you caught me, I have to give it up. I will get back to my regular self, saying what I want to say the way I normally talk to y’all. Thank you so much for the feedback, I appreciate it. LOLL


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!