Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Stealing Time


Yes! I'm stealing time - to post. There are several things, important things I should be doing but, I miss y’all. Hi, Hey, and Hello to you . . . one and ALL!

I really do miss you all when I’m away (from blogging). So, that's why I'm stealing this time to post this simple hello. I just had to check-in long enough to say, "Hi" to all.

Thankfully, I got a few things done while away from blogging though. I decluttered a couple of drawers and cabinets in the kitchen and in my bathroom. I threw away some items around the house that were no longer useful or needed. 

I washed, dried, and put away a couple of loads of bath towels and dish towels that had started to grow bigger and bigger. 

AND, OH . . . there’s more, but I’ll stop here. I’m getting tired all over again just writing it all down.

That done, another “something-to-do” popped up. It was important and needed immediate attention. Oh well . . . 

Anyway, that's my story. I'll be back blogging as soon as possible. 

What are you up to these days? How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was NICE, quiet, and Blessed! Thank God for that!


  1. It feels good to get things done, but give those 'things' an inch and they'll move in and take a mile of your time and energy!

    1. Hey there, Kathy. It's good to see your smiling face here tonight. You are so right, "things" DO have a way of taking over . . . every time. Thank you for stopping by and for this great comment.

  2. Replies
    1. Hey Christine. Thank you for visiting and for commenting today.

  3. There will ALWAYS be "something to do". So if something isn't broke, blog away!

    1. Ditto what you said, Mike. I agree with you 100%. Thank you for taking time to visit here today and for leaving this smile-making comment. I really appreciate it.

  4. Good to see you again! When you're done with the decluttering, come on to my place. Linda in Kansas

    1. Hi, Linda, I "hear-ya'" on the decluttering. LOLL It’s so nice that you could take time to visit and to read here today. Thank you for your visit and especially for the smile-making comment.

  5. Hey I go on decluttering extravaganzas constantly it seems. So satisfying though.

    1. You're RIGHT, Katie, decluttering is SO satisfying! Your visit and your gratifying comment made my day! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by here and to read my post. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  6. Decluttering is vital. I'm not successful at it though. I move things from one place to another and postpone getting rid of them. That leads me nowhere.

    1. Right, DUTA, Decluttering is vital. I also move things from one place to another and postpone getting rid of them. I baffle myself sometimes. Thank you for this great comment! It makes me smile that you made the time to come by to read here and to comment. I appreciate this a lot.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, AC, I certainly AM. Thank you for taking the time to come by and read today. Your visit and your comment are so encouraging. I appreciate this a lot.

  8. I hear you! Just stopped working in the kitchen to visit some blogs. Trying to wrap Christmas presents so I'm not doing them at the last minute which usually happens! Want to start making some cookies and cards but Old Man Dusty is getting in my way! Hello to you and have a good day!

    1. Golly-Gee, Nancy, you are super busy and productive. Thumbs-up to you! Thank you for your smile making visit! It’s a real delight that you made the time to come by to read here and to leave this lovely comment. Again, I thank you for your warm words.

  9. Hello, EVERYONE!!! Here's "A BIG HEARTY THANKS" to you ALL, for coming over here to read my post. I truly appreciate that! Your visits and your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you!

  10. Yup. Basic life stuff. Grab a telephone pole and hang on! Aloha

    1. Yes, Cloudia, my adult daughter and I laughingly quote this phrase to each other whenever life's circumstances become overwhelmingly challenging. BUT we are SERIOUS at the same time. Thank you for coming by and for commenting here. I really appreciate it.

  11. You're not "stealing" time, you earned it by getting all that necessary-but-dull stuff done. It's the time not spent doing fun things that is truly wasted. Thanks for posting.

    1. Hey, Infidel. Thank you for the perspective that . . . I "earned it (the time to blog) by getting all that necessary-but-dull stuff done". That "sheds-a-new-light" on it for me. Thank you for this great comment!

      It makes me smile that you made the time to come by to read here and to comment. I appreciate this a lot.

  12. Decluttering is always on my to-do list, but unfortunately rarely done. Every time I think of throwing something away, I also think, I'll bet I can find a use for this some day. Sometimes I think of my house as a hoarder's paradise. We had a nice Thanksgiving but it's going to get stressful from now on with Christmas not far away.

  13. Hey there, Dave. I too used to think "I can find a use for this someday". My youngest grown son got me out of the habit when he informed me that he would help me declutter/organize but, if I tried to save or keep EVEN ONE item, he would stop helping me. LESSON LEARNED!

    It’s so nice that you made the time to come by to read here and to leave this comment. Thank you for stopping by and especially for this great comment.

  14. wee need our time to do something than just blogging.....
    have a nice day

    1. Hey there, Tanza. It's so good to see you here tonight. Thank you for stopping by and for this nice comment.

  15. Sounds like you did well with some de-cluttering.
    Take care and as we're now in December, I wish you a happy new month.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hey, Jan. It’s so nice of you to make the time to come by here to read and to comment. Thank you for stopping by and especially for this delightful comment.


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!