Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Collard Greens vs Mustard Greens

Which do you prefer?

Collard Greens or Mustard Greens?

We ate a lot of greens growing up in the tall piney woods of deep East Texas. Mama and Daddy always had a garden. Sometimes we ate mustard greens, for other meals we had collard greens.

As a new wife, my husband was stationed in El Paso, Texas in the early seventies.  One weekend one of his army buddies came for a visit while we were cooking dinner. We had collard greens AND mustard greens, but were only going to cook the collards that day. The mustards were for another day.

Mustard Greens

His friend asked why we were only cooking collards and leaving the mustards. He said his family always mixed the two kinds of greens together, and they loved them. We gave it a try.

The rest is history. We love Collard greens, and we love Mustard greens. We especially love collards and mustards mixed since we learned this tip. They are awesomely delicious!

Do you mix collard greens and mustard greens together? Do you only eat them separately? Let us know in the comments sections. We'd love to hear all about it. 

Healthy eating with mixed greens.


  1. We always buy collard....yummy...
    I do not know whether I ever eat Mustard greens

  2. I don't know if I've ever eaten either one. If I did, I didn't know what I was eating. I looked on Google images and nothing looked familiar. Maybe I'll buy some of each canned and see what they are.

  3. We have neither or at last not by those names.

  4. I buy whatever greens are on sale, but never thought about mixing varieties. I'll have to give that a try.

  5. To be honest, the only greens I buy and eat are the lettuce varieties.
    I like the three displayed pictures: collard/mustard greens and the food on the plate.

  6. Leafy greens are so healthy, I do sometimes mix them.

    All the best Jan

  7. I really don't think we have eaten either one of them or we ate them out and didn't realize it. My green veggies are those different types of lettuce that I mix. I'll check them out the next time we go shopping. Have a great weekend! Keep safe!

  8. Like you, my mom and dad cooked mustard and collard greens when we were kids. I stopped eating them for awhile, but for the past 10 years I love making them and using different seasonings to spice up recipes. That meal sure looks yummy! Hope you're doing well and sending hugs your way! RO


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