Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Winners Never Quit & Quitters Never Win: Wrong!

Winners DO Quit . . .


Life is Short, it's okay to quit...sometimes! 

A quitter is described as someone who habitually gives up easily, someone who lacks mental stamina. A quitter is deficient in resilience, resolve, or purpose. A quitter is a loser who doesn’t hang in when the going gets tough, someone who abandons the game before it is finished - - and doesn't return later to finish the game.

Quitters constantly procrastinate; they would rather talk about it, read about it, think about it and, talk about it some more, but they never seem to do anything. Quitters are glad when the day is over.

Quitting isn't always negative; it may be exactly what's needed in order to move forward. You will need to get over any guilt feelings that come with it though, especially if you have friends or family members who believe totally and completely in the “winners never quit” philosophy.

Many times it is not “quitting”, it is simply changing the direction of your advance. It is not quitting if we consciously choose to switch directions; when we replace one goal with a new one that's more in keeping with our purpose.

Quitting might sometimes be the worst option, but “once a quitter, is not always a quitter”. The harsh reality is that many things are worth quitting. There is nothing wrong with quitting a venture that should never have been started in the first place. Walking away from something that is bad for you is not quitting. You only have one shot at life, so make sure you take it with both hands and squeeze every little drop out of it you can.

Here are a few uplifting and enlightening facts to consider: Shortly after quitting whatever you're doing that is going nowhere, your blood pressure, pulse rate, and circulation will all return to normal; your headaches will diminish and the churning in your stomach will soon calm down. So go ahead, quit some things.

Rather than believe that “Quitters never win and winners never quit”, I learned from many successful people that . . .

Sometimes, "winners DO quit" when we need to change directions to reach our goal.

 What do you think? Can we quit something without being labeled a "loser or a quitter"? How much do you care what others think of your projects or endeavors? Let us hear from you, someone is waiting.

© 2009 by Leona G. Shankle


  1. Your post gives much food to thought.
    I don't usually think in terms of winning and quitting, but rather live my life as it comes.

  2. Some people can't quit. They don't know how.

  3. Quitting may be a loaded word. Conditions change and so must we. We aren't exactly the same person in the same place. Life moves on.

  4. Sometimes one has to quit something for their own well-being. Knowing when to continue or "quit" shows maturity and growth. Hope all it well. Have a great weekend!

  5. I think it would do us all to quit worrying!

  6. Thanks. Great ideas to think about.


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