Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dark Chocolate is GOOD

Did You Know?

Dark Chocolate is not only GOOD but Good FOR You . . .

Dark Chocolate has been a favorite of mine since I was first introduced to it as a child. I only knew I loved it, I didn’t know it was also good for you. Then several years ago, I learned that chocolate can lower your blood pressure. Oh holy cow, this is awesome!
Well, goodness gracious! I also read somewhere that Dark Chocolate can also keep your mind sharp. It is said to help protect against memory loss as you get older. Ummm, now I have another good reason eat more dark chocolate. How cool is that!

Top 6 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate - NDTV Food

I also didn’t know that eating one or two servings of Dark Chocolate each week will cut your risk for heart failure by as much as one third. I don’t know how true this is, but it is interesting information just the same.

MORE on the benefits of Dark Chocolate.

Do you believe any of this information about Dark Chocolate? Have you heard or read any of this before? Do you eat or like Dark Chocolate?

Click Image-2 for Source


  1. Yep, I knew all this about dark chocolate. Do I like it? Sort of. The higher percentage of dark chocolate, the dryer it is. So there is a fine line that I have no idea where it is. So I just eat all chocolate.

  2. Oh yes, I did know this because I LOVE dark chocolate. However, I thought it would be even better if I got the 90% cocoa bar. Ummmm.... bad idea. It was super dry and bitter. I have learned to stick to 78%. Chocolate is good for you, but not the sugar. Still... if it’s dark, it’s gotta be good, right?

  3. It's a known fact tht dark chocolate has health benefits.
    If you can tolerate sugarless, bitter chocolate, then you get its benefits; otherwise you also get the calories and that's not good for your diet. Anyway, a small cube now and then is harmless.

  4. I have been aware of this. Now, I don't know how much of a benefit it is, but I do understand that it is benefical. At one point a few years ago, I would have a square or two in the afternoon.

  5. I do love chocolate, it's enjoyable and comforting especially when something isn't going well. I didn't know also that eating chocolate can benefit your heart. That is a very good news.
    Stay safe and healthy and take good care of each other.

  6. Love chocolate, dark chocolate included.

  7. Yes, dark chocolate does have health benefits.
    I do enjoy a square of dark chocolate the 85% if I can get it :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Yes, I had heard of all of these benefits. Hopefully, they are true. My husband loves dark chocolate - me, not so much. My migraines do not like any chocolate. UHG!!


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