Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Nothing NEW Under The Sun

There Is Nothing NEW Under The Sun

If you think it…rest assured that someone else somewhere has thought the same thought. If you have a mind blowing “light-bulb-moment” and dream up an amazing new idea, just know that it has been dreamed-up before. If you write it, many others have written about it also. 

Did you know? There is nothing new under the sun.

With that in mind, let’s address plagiarism which is more prevalent today because of ease of access via the internet. One simply needs to search for a topic and search engines quickly return thousands of results.  The problem of plagiarism enters the picture when one person copies those results and uses them for their own purposes.

How do we avoid plagiarism?  

In order to avoid plagiarism, write your story or article from your head, not from research gathered from the internet. Chances are, you will find some of the same ideas you have, but your ideas will be in your own words. Still, it’s a slippery slope.

When you DO use information gathered searching the internet, you must credit your source. Indicate where you got the information from. If you fail to credit your source, you are guilty of plagiarism.

So, your job is to present your ideas in a way that is completely different from any information you gather through your research.

There is nothing new under the sun. But, no two people talk exactly alike, and they definitely do not write in the same writing style and voice. Write your pieces in your own unique style and voice

Image result for writing voices
Click image to view source 

How do YOU write your articles? Do you write first? Do you research first? What is your article writing technique?


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. Thank you for visiting and for commenting.

  2. I've lost interest in blogging much, only occasionally but i do journal every day for personal therapy purposes.

    1. I hear you, Lin. And I understand. I haven't lost interest, my care giving duties keep me from blogging much anymore. Thanks for coming by and for the nice comment.

      Wishing you a great weekend!

  3. Great post. As you said, there's a fine line between gathering information and using someone's exact thoughts and words.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. You're right, there's a fine line that would NOT be hard to navigate. But, some people are so unscrupulous. They don't even care.

      Thanks for reading here and for leaving the lovely comment.

      Wishing you a nice weekend!

  4. Replies
    1. Yes it is, Iwona. Thank you for reading here. I appreciate your comment.

      Wishing you a nice weekemd!

  5. yes, own words and writing style will distinguished one writer to others.

    One topic such as "hurricane" will be reported by thousand reporters and news outlets. Different is how they present the reports.

    # Thank you to remind me about plagiarism

    1. Yes you're right, Tanza. We all have our own thoughts and our own way of passing those thoughts on to others. We just have to remember to do that.

      Thanks for stopping by and for leaving such a nice comment.

      I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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