Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Solutions

Rubber Bands

When all else fails, these put things into perspective.

Rubber Band Goofy Face

Rubber bands are good for millions of things. Some of you probably already know that. But, did you know rubber bands are like relationship experts? 

Traditional, inside-the-box-thinkers may not realize the similarities between rubber bands and those who are experts when it comes to relationships. 

Here are a few things to consider about rubber bands and relationship experts.

Like relationship experts, rubber bands:

-They are good at holding things together when they’re falling apart.

-They good at hanging around, waiting to help when needed.

-They hold up things that keep falling down.

-They great for bringing closure.

There you have it, just a few ways I use rubber bands.

Always keep a supply of rubber bands on hand. You never know when you might need one. You’ll be amazed at the things you can do with Rubber Bands.

What do you use rubber bands for? Tell us in the comments. We’d love to hear all about it.


  1. Rubber bands and duct tape can fix anything.

  2. OMG!! This post hits home!! My husband uses rubber bands for a solution to everything!! Everything that goes into the freezer or refrigerator has a rubber band on it. I do remember as a kid my Mom taking the rubber bands off the celery and using them for my ponytail. No expensive ties that they sell today.

  3. I have a lot of rubber bands in the house....but can never find one when I need it :-)

  4. I always keep a few rubber bands in the kitchen drawer, they are so handy for all sorts of things.

    All the best Jan


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