Monday, July 22, 2019

Nightmares vs Sweet Dreams

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Nightmares vs Sweet Dreams

Have you ever had a nightmare? I have! If you have never had one, you don’t know what you’re missing. AND, believe me you don’t want to know either.

I started having nightmares as a kid somewhere around 10 or 11 years old. I remember my daddy always coming into the room to wake me up and talk me through what had just happened. He would quietly talk with me until I was calm again and could go back to sleep.

The nightmares continued into young adulthood and on into marriage. During our early years together, Papa-dellgirl would gently shake me awake (I had told him about my experiences) and hold me until I could go back to sleep.

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The nightmares continued and, after many years of the same old soup just warmed over, Papa started to nudge me awake. He would simply nudge, nudge, poke, poke until I was awake. Then he would turn over and go back to sleep himself…no more holding. No more cuddling. Ummmmm? Ok, I guess enough is enough.

Finally, around 2005 or so, the nightmares stopped. I haven’t had another one that I know of since. Why did they stop? I have an answer, but that’s a whole ‘nother story all by itself.

Thank God the nightmares are gone! There’s a new and enlightening peace of mind that comes with that.

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Have you ever had a nightmare? Does someone you know have nightmares? How do you/they handle them?

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  1. Hi Dellgirl very interesting and I wonder why they just stopped,I also have nightmare but only every now and then,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

    1. Hi to you too Sheryl. Thank you for stopping by, it's good to see your smiling face. I've figured out why they just stopped, but that's a long convoluted story. It deserves a post of its own...ummm one day?

      Wishing you all the nest!

  2. I read an article that if some one have no nightmare anymore means that:
    1. His or her life getting stable
    2. Less stress
    3. prosper in economics

    @ Have a wonderful day

    1. Hi there Tanza. It’s good to see you today. Thank you for coming by to visit and to read. I really appreciate that, and I’m especially grateful that you made it a point to leave such a nice comment. I’m smiling from ear-to-ear about that.

      I wish you a wonderful day too!

  3. How interesting that the nightmares eventually stopped. I wonder if something in your subconscious resolved itself?

    1. Hi there Kathy. It’s good to see you here today. Thank you for coming by to read and look around. I’m tickled-pink that you took the time to leave such an insightful comment. You made my day!

      Yes you're right, something in my subconscious resolved itself.

      I wish you a great day!

  4. Hi Leona, I can't really remember having nightmares. I've had bad dreams, but I don't think I can categorize them as nightmares. In fact, I can never remember most of my dreams. On occasion, I do remember part of my dreams. I used to love watching horror movies, not as much now lol :) It's interesting that your nightmares just stopped like that. I guess that's a good thing. Stay blessed and I wish you sweet dreams!

    1. Hi there AJ. It’s good to see you again. Thank you for coming by to read this and give me your input. I really appreciate that you took the time to comment, it's right on point.

      You're right, there is a big difference between bad dreams and nightmares. I've had bad dreams too. I'll take them ANY DAY/NIGHT over nightmares.

      Thank you for the good wishes. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. I'm pleased that the nightmares eventually stopped.
    I don't have nightmares but I have had a few bad dreams … not so much these days though.
    I've read that we all dream, but some mornings when I wake up I can't remember any!

    All the best Jan

    1. Hey there Jan, it's so nice to see you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by. Your visits always bring a smile to my day. Thanks especially for the heartfelt comment.

      Wishing you a Great Weekend!

  6. Come to think of it, I haven't had a true nightmare in a while. When I do, I often call out in my sleep so I get a jostle or poke from my wife. I believe my nightmares involve something bad chasing me (and gaining on me too).

    1. I really appreciate your visit, thank you for coming by. I also thank you for the great comment. I hope you drop by again soon.

      You hit the nail on the head, Dave. It was the chasing me and gaining on me that terrified me. I'm thankful that's all over now. Thanks again for the comment.

      Have a wonderful week!


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!