Friday, August 3, 2012


I have stood the test of time.  

Once I lived a life of beauty,
sunrises excited me, sunsets comforted me.
Each morning I rose to greet a new day,
with outstretched arms reaching for heaven,
giving thanks to God for my magnificence.

   I have survived through season after season.
Hence, ravages of weather brand every inch of my being,
neglect hastened my demise,
ignorance imprisons me.
Yet I stand, with outstretched arms reaching for heaven,
giving thanks to God for my endurance.

Still I stand, though forgotten abused and forlorn
waiting to once again greet the sunrise,
to slumber peacefully in the sunset,
to serve a purpose other than despair,
with outstretched arms reaching for heaven,
giving thanks to God for my redemption.  

© 2012 – Leona G Shankle


  1. cool poem. Have your read the children's book-The Giving Tree. It's choice!

  2. Blessings.....
    I like that, it truly speaks to endurance, belief, faith and hope.

    Nicely done, thanks for sharing

  3. Wow. Powerful stuff Leona. I'm going to print this and show it to my Mom. She'll really appreciate this. You should send this to Guideposts. Get it published in print because everyone should read this !

    Wow again ! Go girl ! You are AWESOME !

  4. Oh my... This is so wonderful, Leona. It reminds me of The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It's a book that always made me sad though.


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