Friday, January 8, 2010

January is...

January is the perfect time for new beginnings, it's the month to start fresh. January is also the ideal time to reflect briefly on what worked and what didn’t work over the past year. It is a good time to do a first check of how things are currently going and where you would like them to go from here.

January brings renewed optimism for change, for a better life, for a better you. And that’s a wonderful thing. It’s wonderful, because this fresh start gives us a chance to reinvent our lives and ourselves. It allows us to reinvigorate ourselves, to shed the baggage of the previous year and do something new and different.

After all the planning for Christmas and New Years it’s pretty common if, come January, you don’t know what to do with yourself. No doubt your bank account needs a break from all that Christmas spending, but that’s no reason to be bored in January.

For starters, you can watch the Bowl Games. Even if football isn't your thing, this is a great excuse for a party. Another excellent activity for January is reading. And my personal favorite is writing. Sunny January with its brisk cold days is a time when serious gardeners may begin to prepare the garden for the year ahead. The list is endless.

In conclusion, here are some interesting and informative facts about the month of January.

Did you know January is:

1. Cervical Health Awareness Month

2. Unchain a Dog Month

3. Time to plan rose planting season

4. National Blood Donor Month

5. National Hot Tea Month

6. National Eye Care Month

7. Get Organized Month

8. National Mentoring Month (NMM)

9. Raise Awareness for the Prevention of Birth Defects Month

10. National Bath Safety Month

Surprisingly, I only knew 3 of these facts. How many did you know? Please share, we’d love to hear from you.


  1. I knew zero facts but I'll vote for get organized month. we all can use that.

  2. I gave on resolutions and I'm about to give up on getting organized. My doctors have dubbed this test month. All I'm doing is going to the docs and getting tests which, for some reason, leave me tired. Sigh.

  3. I cannot believe that one week of January is officially over.The new year is going by so fast it seems.

    Thanks for sharing the bits of information about the month of January.I knew about the hot tea,but none of the others listed.Always good to know.:)

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Oh dear! I didn't know any of that either. Sadly, my resolution to do more weight bearing exercise has already bit the dust. Sheesh! That was quick. But I'm going to try again.

  5. I didn't know any!!!

    I hope you've gotten the news....I moved URL's, so now you can find me at:

  6. I hadn't realised that January was the month of so many various causes. It's great to have a new starting over point yearly. I know I need it.

  7. I think I've been honoring the hot tea month and I didn't even know it. LOL. I have been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking this year already. Trying to make me a better me.

    I love your comment on my beauty post. That's so true and poetic. Have you ever read that book "I Feel Bad About My Neck" by Nora Ephron? It has some funny parts... but it touches on this very thing. Ever sent I read it I've always paid special attention to moisturizing my neck. LOL... I was doing it anyway, but that put new fuel in my beauty routine.


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