Tuesday, October 27, 2015

3 Great Voice Recognition Systems

I recently found three very good Voice Recognition Systems. The first one is on my iPhone 5C cell phone. The second one is on my Kindle Fire tablet. And, the third one is available on my laptop, it’s called Speechlogger.

My iPhone 5C cell phone Voice Recognition System has become my other self. It recognizes MY voice and it inputs my words, phrases, and sentences with maximum precision. It even recognizes and delivers my peculiar speech patterns with a minimum of errors. This awesome feature allows me to now send text messages longer than the two or three words texts I used to type…ever so “s-l-o-w-l-y”.  

I am currently using the voice system on my Kindle Fire tablet as I dictate this article. I have not used this feature on my tablet much but, I am very pleased with the results. Every sentence that I dictate appears on the page almost exactly as I said it. There are very few errors.

The Speechlogger Voice Recognition System on my laptop is one that I found during a Google search for voice recognition systems. It is FREE to use with no registration required. I have only used it two or three times while practicing with it. Speechlogger performed very well, I found it easy to understand and to use. Speechlogger runs in the Chrome browser. Why not test it for yourself?

There you have it, my introduction three great voice recognition systems used on three different devices. I will provide a more review of each system after I have used them for a while and have more details on them.  

You can purchase your own Dragon Naturally Speaking Software, your Speech Recognition Computer Headset, and Kindle Fire Tablet here. 

You don't have to move a muscle to go anywhere. Happiness is just a click away!

 xxx xxx

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trying To Make Life Easier

I’ve been away caregiving and such again. So I have not been able to get on the computer to do anything for a really long time. There is always something...Grandson is home from school today sick.

I got a text from his mommy at 2:00 am this morning saying he had a fever of 103 degrees along with the shivers. And, he would not be going to school come morning. They got here about 7:15 am. It is almost 4:00 pm now. He’s eating again, so I’m stealing time to post a quick note to you.

While I was away I spent a lot of time wondering how in the world I could Blog more often. Ideas are constantly running through my head as I work. But, I never seem to have the time to put my thoughts into writing. That started me thinking about how I could remedy the situation. I need a way to make blogging easier.

I thought about my “Dragon”.

Remember?  I bought the Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice Recognition System a few years ago. I did not use it often though. When I did use it, I found it relatively easy to use. It was a lot of fun watching my spoken words pop onto the page like popcorn popping in a microwave oven.

Then, I got busy with life. I put my Dragon aside while I maneuvered through the potholes and obstacles of daily life. In the process, I did not use the Dragon to my advantage.  

Now I find myself STILL overwhelmed with a multitude of everyday routines and other caregiving things to do. So I started searching for voice recognition systems in order to make my life a little easier. Blogging was at the top of my list of reasons for wanting a voice to text system.

As soon as I started my search, I realized I already had a system so I clicked on my Dragon icon on my laptop. It didn't work. I kept getting error messages. I tried everything my "non- tekky”  self could think of, but nothing worked.

My Dragon was dead!

Oh well, what else is new? That’s the way it goes around here. I just wanted to say hi to you and to let you know what’s happening with me. I hope you are having a nice week so far. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Perfectly Imperfect Day

Photo © by dellgirl

From the minute I woke up this morning until this very moment everything has been perfectly imperfect. I didn’t feel super-dooper great - - imperfect. But, I was alive, breathing, able to walk and talk, and I had the use of all my bodily functions, - - perfect.

Imperfect Perfection!

I made my coffee, took it outside to drink it in the backyard, and gave thanks to God for all the blessings he has bestowed on imperfect me. Perfect to the infinite power!

Oh, did I take my morning meds? Ummmm, I forgot. Imperfect! Did I comb my hair? Oooooh, I think I did. I don’t know. What do I need to …

I forgot. It doesn’t matter. Imperfect.

Today was a perfectly imperfect day!