Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In The Blink of An Eye

Chest X-Rays
Last week charged in like a hungry lion, devouring everything and everybody in his path. His frenzy started with little to no warning and soon took over with a vengeance. Sunday night (September 8th) we noticed Jace having a bit of difficulty breathing and a wheezing sound when we put our ear to his chest or back.

He has meds for that so, Mommy gave him a dose before bedtime. Jace never stops moving long enough for anyone to get concerned so we keep a watchful eye/ear on the breathing, and then to bed. We prepare to sleep and send up special prayers that there’s nothing serious happening in that tiny little busy body of his.

Monday morning started off okay but, he kept rubbing at his ears and, he said his mouth hurt. By mid-morning Jace started spitting up intermittently and his usual busy-ness was all but gone. He said his tummy hurt. He preferred to snuggle in bed rather than run around any play, unusual for Jace. Around noon his spit-ups became a full-fledged vomit, gusher to the max.

Uhh-oooo, something’s not right!

Jace’s mommy places a call to his doctor and, I jump into my ‘go-somewhere-shoes’ change my shirt, and grab my purse. We’re out the door literally within minutes, headed for the doctor’s office.

Jace’s doctor gives him a thorough going over checking for the source of the problem. She determined what was wrong and gave him a dose of medicine right there on the spot. After a few more pokes and prods she sends him over for x-rays to see if everything is okay in the internal department.

Back in the doctor’s office we get the report on what is and what is NOT happening. We also get a long list of meds and supplies to combat the coughing, sneezing, runny nose, ear ache and so forth. While Mommy and the doctor converse, Jace announces that he feels better.

Wheeeeew, thank God! Already! He’s back to his usual busy self, climbing up and down on the little stool at the end of the examination table, racing his cars back and forth along the edges of the exam table, playing with his image in the mirror on back of the door.

Cool, he’s better! Back home, all is well with Jace. Not so for the adults but, that’s another story for another time.

Thank God for healing blessings and for good and caring doctors. 


  1. Thank goodness Jace is better. I was getting worried as I read your post. Now you need to get some rest. What an interesting chest X-ray contraption. I've never seen anything like it.

  2. Thanks for coming by and for the nice comment, Kay. Yes, that contraption looks like they're getting ready to make a nice chocolate smoothie out of him. LOL

  3. Blessings.....
    I was holding my breath when i was reading, now breathing a sigh of relief.

    they scare you something fierce eh.

    glad he's good.

    stay blessed my friend.

  4. kids are scary at times...good he's better!

  5. Wow. Sounds like you had a close call. Praying for all of you- you know it ! God is a good God, you know. Glad to hear he's fine !

    : )

  6. Leona, I'm so thankful he's better. That x-ray machine is the latest I guess? I guess a child could dream they're going to space if they didn't feel so bad.


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