Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BLOCKED by Chrome & Internet Explorer

I can't visit some friends' blogs.

The ones I can visit (and READ) I can't comment on.

I am BLOCKED by both Chrome & Internet Explorer!!!!!


  1. Yikes!!! Have you updated your browser lately? There was a message last week about recent changes in Blogger require that your browser (IE, Chrome, FireFox) is up-to-date.

    Hope this helps!

  2. ditto, although I still use Internet Explorer. My hubby took off Google Chrome and an old virus program, now his computer zings along...lol!

  3. i have started to use Mozilla Firefox for blogging....or Safari. Too many problems with Internet Explorer and Chrome.

  4. I use Firefox and it's been working great for me. Isn't it crazy with all these browzers? They drive me nuts.

    I'm still up to my ears here at our house and our week-long guests.

    Nothing more exciting than having unplanned for week-long guests after returning from a two-week long “vacation.”

    We're looking forward to our lives returning to some normalcy in about a week. Then we'll be planning for our trip to Chicago. Yikes!


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!