Thursday, May 14, 2009

How-To Copy & Paste Without Right-Click Menu Options

Having trouble pasting pictures or photos to guest books on First, you must post the picture to a website, an image hosting service, a blog (like our blogs here) or to another place where you can open it in a web browser. There are free blogs here at blogger.

I have a family history blog on blogger that is set to private. Since no one else has access to the blog I used it to post my pink flowers picture on my so it would open in a separate window.

HOW-TO Copy & Paste Without Right-Click Menu Options:
* Highlight the picture you want to copy or cut, or place the cursor where you want to paste.
- Copy: Press Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl and press C) to copy.
- On a Mac, use Command-C (press C while holding down the Apple key).
- Paste: Press Ctrl-V (press V while holding down the Ctrl key) to paste.
- On a Mac, use, Command-V (hold down the Apple key and press V).
- Cut: Press Ctrl-X (Command-X on a Mac) to cut text or images.

Complete details for How to Copy & Paste without right-click menu options.

To add an image to the body of an email instead of sending it as an attachment, go to Email. Hope this helps.



  1. Thanks a bunch! It's always good to learn something new. There's always so much to learn on the computer.

  2. I'm not real good at techy stuff, so this was nice. Thanks!

    Glad you came by my blog, neighbor over in TX. :)

  3. This is good stuff - I'll give it a try. Thanks :)


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