Friday, September 12, 2008

Praying That Ike Weakens

The past several weeks have been filled with news of approaching hurricanes, one after another. Predictions of landfall possibilities and destructive capabilities of each one have caused millions of people to evacuate to other parts of the state and the country. Afterwards, they return home only to have to evacuate again, for a new hurricane.

Today we await Hurricane Ike. He has been a top news story since before his predecessor, Gustav ended. Yesterday, Ike was predicted to hit Houston - directly.

Early last night, my prayer was, "Dear Lord, let Ike bypass Houston somehow someway, let him die out, get weak and incapable of the anticipated destruction that is predicted, let Ike take a path up and through the uninhabited woods somewhere along the coast line. This is my prayer. Thank you, Lord." Selfish? Yes. But, I prayed it anyway.

Then, late last night we received word that Ike had turned. Good news? Maybe. Possibly Houston won't take a direct hit. But, added to that was a mandatory evacuation order for our hometown, the city where we are right at this moment.

There are plenty of woods and fields between the coast and here for Ike to ravage and die out before reaching inhabited places. So, we await Ike's arrival. I pray he wimpers in like a harmless summer storm rather than the ferocious destructive force anticipated.

Keep us in your prayers.


  1. hope and pray all goes well...there is just destructive force in storms. hang in there....

  2. We've just gotten the news that Ike did weaken but still wreaked havoc in Texas. This is so scary!


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