Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stealing Time

Yes! I'm stealing time - to post. There are several things, important things, I should be doing but, I miss my friends. Hi Musings, hello there lin, hi petula, and hey to you jordyn. I really missed you all while I was away (from posting). So, that's why I'm stealing this time to post. I just had to check-in long enough to say, "Hi" to all.

I got Mom squared away okay. She had missed her meds on Sunday. She orders them in bulk and they had not arrived by the time she ran out of what she had at home. I made some calls, (they can really put you on hold after pressing this number and that number and on and on) got it straightened out, and had her go to her doctor for enough meds to hold her until her mail-order comes.

That done, another something-to-do happened along. Important and needing immediate attention.

Anyway, that's my story. I'll be back blogging as soon as possible.


  1. you were missed, but family does come first.

  2. Hi Leona, Welcome back! We all missed you, too. Family is very important as Lin says. That's the whole reason my husband and I are moving back to Hawaii even though it's very painful to leave our daughter and granddaughter. I need to be with my mom to help her out. The medication thing sounds so familiar. My mom gets very rattled about all the medical things that have to be done.


I'm so glad you came by. PLEASE, let me know you were here and leave a comment.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!