Thursday, May 29, 2008

At the Starting Gate - The Beginning

The day I stood before my 2nd grade classmates
and wove a tale so tall so big so wide,
they all sat amazed and mystified,
was the day I found my speaking voice.
That day I awakened the creativity within,
the artist within.
That was me - simply being me
the storyteller, the writer.
Leona G.
© 2008 by Leona G. Shankle - All Rights Reserved ▪ Dell Girl Publishing


  1. wow, i like it...i was a shy quiet second grader and didn't find my voice till after my divorce forced me to take charge of me and my 3 sons. life has been an interesting journey, each part even the difficult ones part of becoming who i am now. i write to give a voice to others lives and my own. surprise me and send me your newsletter before i get tired of hoop jumping!!

  2. I was basically quiet and shy also, but when storytelling time came, it was my time to shine.

  3. And a most wonderful storyteller you are, Leona. I'm so glad you found your voice so I would read your thoughts.

  4. Thanks, Musings for the kind words. I always look forwrd to hearing from you.

    I am so enjoying (as the young people say) this mutual admiration society you, Lin, and I have going! It keeps me moving forward, grounded, and on task.


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Have a wonderful wonderful day!